Saturday, 12 March 2016

How to Hack wifi wpa/wpa2 Password using Kali Linux

Here i will be showing you how to crack wifi wpa2 password using Kali Linux. Here we will be using a tool called aircrack, it comes preinstalled in Kali Linux 2.0 or any other version including 1.0 and above. Aircrack is currently the top rated wifi hacking tool available, it supports wpa, wep and wpa2-psk. Remember that hacking wpa2 security is not a easy task, it totally depends on your luck and the strength of the password.So Lets Start

Steps to Crack Wifi wpa2 Password using Kali Linux

Check You Wireless Adapter

Open Terminal and Type ifconfig and Hit Enter.If your wireless network adapter is Compatible with Kali then you  should see the " wlan0 " the name may change if you have more then one wireless adapter. Remember that Hacking others WiFi is not allowed.

Starting Moniter Mode

Now type the following command and hit enter.

airmon-ng start wlan0

Now it will put you WiFi in monitor mode under wlan0mon or mon0  .You many see warning saying that you need to kill the following process. So to kill the process type kill <pid> and hit enter. Replace <pid> with you process ID. For Example kill 743

Now type ifconfig in you terminal and it will show the newly set monitoring interface i.e, wlan0mon  but in most of the cases it will be mon0.

Scanning for Available Wifi Networks

airodump-ng wlan0mon

Type th above command and Hit Enter. Replace wlan0mon with your's  monitoring interface. Now Airodump-ng will start capturing Networks around you. Now you have to select your target and note its ‘bssid’ (bssid = base service set identifier) and 'CH' (Channel) then stop the scanning using 'ctrl+c'.

Capturing packets of targeted Wifi Network

airodump-ng -c <channel> -w <name> --bssid <bssid> wlan0mon

Type the above command. Replace the above with your's targeted wifi information. For example

airodump-ng -c 2 -w wifi --bssid C0:4A:00:F0:F4:24 wlan0mon

Now it will start capturing the packets but we need the Handshake. To Capture Handshake we need to type the following command in New Terminal. Remember Don't close the existing Terminal.
aireplay-ng -0 0 -a C0:4A:00:F0:F4:24 wlan0mon

In the above command

-0 = number associated for deauthentication, 0 = deauth count, -a = bssid of the targeted WIFI. After 30 Seconds Stop it by using 'Ctrl+C'. Now wait until you get handshake in your airodump-ng Terminal.

Cracking Password from Handshake

Type the below command.

aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt wifi-01.cap

Here in this command /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt is the location of the dictionary. wifi-01.cap is the file in which handshake is Saved.Currently i am using Kali Linux and rockyou Dictionary, I used rockyou.txt because it is the most successful word list of all time. Now Hit Enter and wait until you get wpa2 password. Remember that you only get password if your wordlist contains the victims password. If you have any confusion or any questions just comment below.

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